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The New Book by Shea C. Robinson is Now Available for Pre-Order

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When the brokenness felt in most underserved communities reached my home. I instantly realized how disadvantaged and at-risk my child was. I learned my commitment to her care was not enough. I had to eventually accept that educating myself on best practices for mental health approaches developed to help a child such as her was doing more harm than good. More importantly, I had to acknowledge my love was never going to be enough. At this point in time, I realized that I was just as much a victim of repeated exposure to trauma as the daughter I would have to learn to let go.

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About The Author

Shea graduated Summa Cum Laude with her degree in Business/Concentration in Health Services. She is a certified minister and avid member of Heavens Gates Ministries. The Co-Founder of the James L. Faucett III Sickle Cell 5K organization. Shea is a survivor of stage 2B breast cancer, and an advocate for other survivors. She is also a co-author in Married to the Ring Volume 1. On an International stage, she shared her battle against mental illness in the family. Her dedication to community is evident due to receipt of several honorable Presidents’ Volunteer Service Awards signed by former President Barack Obama and the recipient of DE Governors’ Outstanding Volunteer Award. Shea and her husband Eric are the proud parents of 5 children and 4 grandchildren and 2 on the way.


What People Are Saying

I've known Shea Faucett Robinson for over ten years.  I've witnessed her relationship with her own children and  Shea always showed a remarkable amount of patience and understanding through the ups and downs of parenting and in Life. I have always admired her love and communication among other things and often have asked for advice in dealing with my children and life experiences myself. Needless to say she has always been willing to help me in every area.  When Shea started her business Posture of a Pearl I jumped at the chance to have my daughters involved in hopes that they would get the full benefit of a program like this as well as getting direction from a wonderful mother and Godly woman I know Shea to be. 

— Glenice Jernigan-Wescott


If you want to make a positive difference in a teen girl’s life, then you found the right place with Posture of a Pearl.  Shea Faucett Robinson inspires people of all ages but her niche is teenage girls. Shea has years of experience overcoming life’s obstacles with grace and gentle tenacity. She is empathetic yet firm and she draws people in like a magnet with her kind and caring demeanor. You can count on Shea to help guide and mentor future generations of confident women.

— Annette Maazaoui

Every successful business reflects the heart and the image of its leader. Posture of PEARL will succeed because its leader Shea Robinson is resilient and passionate about imparting the principles that will transform the lives of teen girls. Her proved approach on how to turn tragedy into triumph will provide the hope necessary for our young girls to win in life.

— Dr. Timothy W. Johns, Senior Pastor

Heavens Gate Ministries


Shea is a woman of Godly character, style and class who inspires me to be intentional and purposeful with my dreams and visions. She possess a beautiful spirit, a beautiful heart and a selflessness that is to be coveted. She lives her life unapologetically and sets an example of living boldly. I often think of her as someone who should be a family counselor because her words are seasoned with such grace, enlightenment and wisdom. 

— Nykisha “Treasure” Gaines


Posture of a PEARL is a mentoring program designed to help teen girls develop the resilience necessary to maintain a strong posture while navigating through their stages of life and teach them how to emerge as confident, vibrant and self-assured young women. 

Our PEARL girls will be instilled with the values of knowing that they are:

P = Powerful – having great power or strength

E = Electric  - brilliant and vivid

A = Admirable – deserving of respect

R = Resilient – withstand or recovery quickly

L = Limitless – without end, or limits or boundaries